One of my favorite movies is High Fidelity, staring John Cusack and Jack Black. The movie centers around John Cusack's character Rob, who owns a record store and spends the movie recounting the top 5 relationship breakups of his life. In the meantime he works with Jack Black's character, Barry who is a music elitist that thinks everyone's opinion is terrible and he's not afraid to tell you. Todd Louiso plays Dick, the third character of the music elitists. All three of them go rounds about what is good music and what isn't, great 1st songs, top albums, and organizing your record collection autobiographically.
I bring this up because their arguments/discussions are the same arguments I have with myself about society, church, God, relationships, parenting, music, movies, food, beer, wine, and pretty much anything else. This blog is dedicated to the "Elitist" in all of us that demands excellence in one way or another.
Check out the clip of High Fidelity. Rob sort of sums up fantasy and reality in this clip. I love it because too many of us spend our time chasing a fantasy, and it screws up all that is good about reality.
I will be blogging over the course of the year on many of the things I've mentioned above. I hope it challenges you and I hope that you'll challenge me on some of the things I have to say.
Excellence begins with each decision we make everyday. Here's hoping that 2013 is Excellent and not just Average.
I bring this up because their arguments/discussions are the same arguments I have with myself about society, church, God, relationships, parenting, music, movies, food, beer, wine, and pretty much anything else. This blog is dedicated to the "Elitist" in all of us that demands excellence in one way or another.
Check out the clip of High Fidelity. Rob sort of sums up fantasy and reality in this clip. I love it because too many of us spend our time chasing a fantasy, and it screws up all that is good about reality.
I will be blogging over the course of the year on many of the things I've mentioned above. I hope it challenges you and I hope that you'll challenge me on some of the things I have to say.
Excellence begins with each decision we make everyday. Here's hoping that 2013 is Excellent and not just Average.
Ok.......just one more husband? He's the best kind of elitist. He drives me CRAZY with his demands for excellence. But here's the thing.......he's usually right, I am just a bit lazier than he is, to be honest. I love that he is there to challenge me and I love that you have created this blog that is dedicated to demanding excellence. There are too few people. men in particular, that dedicate their lives to excellence in His name. I think that we tend to use "love" as an excuse for watered down truth, "grace" to cover/excuse a tendency towards sluggish faith........and I am not exempt. Love and grace should encourage and challenge us not provide excuses.